Section 2a - Location And Property

Location and Property Data

(Where is the design located?)

Address (often the easiest way to pinpoint the location)

  • Street: 343 Rue Renaissance

  • City/Suburb: Memramcook

  • State/Province: New Brunswick

  • Zip/Postal Code: E4K3V2

  • Country: Canada

  • Latitude: 46.022N

  • Longitude: 64.557W

What is the size of the property?

6556 square metres.

Where is the nearest mountain or range?

Caledonia Mountain - 22.5 kilometres.

What is the distance from the Ocean?

Atlantic Ocean - Bay of Fundy - 17.62 kilometres S.

Atlantic Ocean - Northumberland Strait - 25.5 kilometres NNE.

What is the distance to the nearest population centre?

Moncton - 18.28 kilometres WNW.

What is the previous property use history?

1860-1960 - Farmland

1960-1990 - Texaco Service Station

1990-1994 - RV sales

1994-1999 - Restaurant & Bar

What is the property currently used for?

1999-Present - Storage building

Boundary and Contour Map Guidelines

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Boundary Map

Contour Map