Section 2c - Sector Analysis
The Sun
What is the minimum sun angle in midwinter?
What is the maximum sun angle in midwinter?
What is the highest solar elevation occurring at midday in midwinter?
What is the minimum sun angle in midsummer?
What is the maximum sun angle in midsummer?
What is the highest solar elevation at midday in summer?
What opportunities and limitations are manifested on the site by this?
Describe details of how understanding sun angles and their seasonal changes will be utilised within your design to the benefit of your systems, structures, or people.
The morning sun is blocked from the east by large willows and several other species of tree that are growing on a bank on the eastern boundary. The first 20 metres of land doesn't see any sun until 11 a.m.
A neighbour's house and garage to the south are elevated on terrain about 2 meters higher than the project's adjacent land. They're then another 4 - 6 metres in height. They cast shadows on the eastern end of the southern edge of the project land in the mornings. Trees along the southern border of the property to the east also cast morning shade of differing intensity throughout the year.
The building on the project land also casts varying amounts of shade to the west, then north, then east on land that surrounds the building throughout the day, more in the winter and less in the summer.
About 70% of the land area isn't affected by shade by the existence of the current trees and buildings.
Describe how the design takes advantage of these opportunities and how it will address these limitations.
Taller, lower value trees will be removed on the eastern bank to allow more sun to hit the land. Areas around the building will be used to propagate hardwood perennials, as early rooting of cutting sticks prefers shade. The shade that will fall on the proposed long, skinny pond (channel/chinampa) may create some flow through convection, as the southern part of the pond will be shaded in the morning while the northern part of the pond will have more solar radiation hitting it. This will change as the day goes on and the afternoon sun will shade the centre length of the pond while the ends will be exposed to the sun.
The proposed swales will be oriented somewhat North/South to match the terrain. There are advantages and challenges in this orientation. But the main advantage is that the swale areas will not receive much shade at any time of the year from any existing components on the property.
The southern steeper slope of the existing roof remains completely unshaded for most of the day, which may be good for solar panel installation, although I may prefer to put any solar PV infrastructure on a more land-based location to provide easier access for maintenance, cleaning, and snow removal.
The northern, shallower slope of the existing roof does get shaded in the winter months which is a bit of a problem for any solar consideration as well as its ability to hold more snow. We don't want to lose that snow by shovelling off during/after strong storms, so a series of heating cables may be placed on the roof to melt the snow as it's falling. This will allow much more rain/snow water to fill the storage tanks/cistern(s).
The Wind
From which direction do the strongest or most consistent winds blow in the summer?
When direct observational data encompassing the terrain and windbreaks on site is available that is best, when not, area or regional data can be recorded here.
From which direction do the strongest or most consistent winds blow in winter?
When direct observational data encompassing the terrain and windbreaks on site is available that is best, when not, area or regional data should be recorded here.
What categories of winds will be addressed in the design? (select all that apply)
Cold Wind
Dusty Wind (Dust Storms)
Fire Wind
Frequent High Wind
Hot/Dry Wind
Storm Wind
Tornadic Wind
Wind that brings rain
Other (Specify)
What is included in the design to address winds? List elements, installations, and systems as appropriate.
The north and east parts of the building will have earth banked against the lower 1 metre of the building. A much larger earth bank may be placed along the northern edge of the property.
The Water Flows
Are there examples of damaging erosion, temporary or seasonal flowing water, or large amounts of sheet runoff during large rain events that will need to be addressed by the design? (Yes or No)
While permanent water on site is part of the design, the sector map is more concerned with flows, forces, and moving events that may need action.
List and describe these, as appropriate
About 1/3 of the property is pavement. It generally slopes to the west.
The eastern bank has a small ditch that catches water from the property to the east and sends it to the southern boundary drainage ditch.
The southern boundary has a drainage ditch that flows along the southern boundary of the property to the east. This flows down hill about 500 metres, collecting water from drainage ditches on the eastern property and the property that adjoins that to the south.
What is included in the design to address this?
Several "speed bumps" will be placed on the pavement to direct the water to the proposed swales.
The eastern boundary ditch will be expanded, deepened, and lengthened into a canal.
The southern boundary drainage ditch will be untouched. I don't want any of that water to touch my soil or plants. The landowner on the southern side of the ditch raises blueberries with herbicides, insecticides, and fungicides. So called "wild blueberries" are treated with glyphosate annually. I'd prefer the water in that ditch to continue down to the roadside ditch and flow far, far away.
Are there hot/dry winds that could increase fire risk on portions of the site? (Yes or No)
Describe how this currently impacts the site and how your design will address this.
Are there hills, valleys, or other terrain features that increase wind force, speed, or create funnelling effects? (Yes or No)
Describe how this currently impacts the site and how your design will address this.
The whole region creates a funnelling effect when winds blow up from the south along the Memramcook Valley from the Bay of Fundy to this property. The property essentially sits at the apex of the Bay of Fundy.
It affects the western half of the property more than the eastern half. The eastern half is buffered by the neighbour's home, workshop, and hedgerow.
Do any of the energy effects moving across the sector map currently harmonize negatively with existing access? (Yes or No)
Roads creating runoff problems, long straight tracks or pathways concentrating winds badly, barriers to desirable flows caused by the interruption the pathways represents, etc.?
If you are making changes to create harmony then that status quo will have such negatives to point out, or you would not need to make improvements. Think carefully before rushing to say there are no examples of this on the site.
List and describe as appropriate these negative interactions and how the design will mitigate them.
The openness of the highway that is on the western boundary allows for increased wind to blow from the south or the north. The northern wind, although less frequent, blows freely down the highway without much interference. The southern wind blows freely as well, although not nearly as cold as the northern winds.
The northwest winds seem to be more frequent and are much colder than the even more frequent southern winds. This wind moves across a lightly vegetated valley.
Really, there's just a lot of wind from all directions on this property. The barn on the building on the property to the east suffered from very, very strong easterly storm winds, estimated at 120 km/h. It took a 10 meter section down from a 100 yr. old barn several years ago.
Provide 3 - 5 examples of where your design harmonises positively with energy effects moving across the sector map to the benefit of the site.
The design will place earth berms at the north and south boundaries where they fit. They'll be 2-3 metre tall.
The design will place swale enhanced hedgerow on the western part of the property where it fits.
The building will have 1 metre tall earth berms against it on the north, east, and west side of the building where they fit.
Several durable hoop houses will be built to protect nursery plants from the wind.
The western side of the canal will be encouraged to grow valuable, but fast growing trees and shrubs to buffer the occasional strong winds from the east.
Negative Inputs
Are there any negative energies coming onto the site? (select all that apply)
Other (Specify)
Describe how this currently impacts the site and how your design will address this.
The railway has a crossing nearby that has a whistle about 10 times a day. It's annoying, but it's not hard to get used to it. The more tall, thick vegetation we put on the property, the less the effect will be.
Are there any aesthetic considerations which will need to be a part of the sector map? (Yes or No)
What sort? Describe the situation, and the client's desire. (Select all that apply)
Seasonal views
Positive views
Negative views
Other (Specify)
How does the design address this?
Are there any native wildlife corridors moving through or across the site? (Yes or No)
How does the design harmonise with this activity? How can this benefit the design?
Very rarely, a bear or two will use the shelter of the southern boundary to cross the highway to access the valley. Whitetail deer as well. The building serves as a place where barn swallows build their nests. Access to the nest will remain by making sure there's no infrastructure built that impedes their use of their nesting site. Wherever possible, any new infrastructure will include sheltered areas similar to the existing nesting spot to encourage more barn swallow nests.
Pigeons also find the property to be a nice hangout. They occasionally build nests on top of the air conditioner and in nooks around the building overhangs. They'll be encouraged as well with any new infrastructure that's installed.
Are there problems originating from wildlife? (Yes or No)
How does this design address this?
Sector Map Guidelines
Files should be in JPEG format and ideally less than 4 MB in size.
This image should clearly illustrate the different energies, events, and data compiled in the responses of this form section that move into, out of, across, or through the site in proper context and at a useful scale.
As part of making this map, a useful tool we recommend for most sites centering the map in zone 0 or 1 and scaling the map so that the site boundaries are easily seen. Presenting the boundary and sector data over an otherwise blank background helps keep these lines and labels easier to see. Keeping the sector data the primary seen information on the page.
The compass rose (orientation) and scale (distance) data should also be present on this map, and presented in a format similar to that used on your previous maps. As we move from map to map the orientation on the page should be kept consistent so that there is no need to turn and reorient each image to look at them at the same time.
While not every conceivable piece of sector data which could appear must appear on the map if things are getting too cluttered be sure to include at a minimum:
The sector for prevailing winds (or two, if there are strong winds from different directions in opposing seasons)
All the winter and summer Sun compass angles.
Water sectors if applicable
Fire sector data if applicable
Specific Negative sectors if applicable.
Do not include:
Contour data