PMFF, a Permaculture Mini Food Forest, is a design that allows many people to share the land, each with their own Mini Food Forest.

The initial Permify PMFF design will have each individual PMFF within a 20 x 20 meter square. These 400 square meters would be shaped to hold water in an 18 meter circular swale. Trees will be planted along this swale, with 4 overstory trees, 8 understory trees, 16 shrubs, and a multitude of groundcover, vines, and root species.

Each PMFF can also have a Warre style Bee Hive.

The 18 meter circular swales are created by pulling the topsoil from the center of the square and piling it up loosely in an 18 meter diameter circle. This will create a depression in the square which will hold, sink, and spread water rather than let the water run off down the hill.

The water captured in these depressions is made more available to the roots of the trees during drought-like conditions. As well, the water captured in these depressions can sink into the ground to recharge groundwater reserves.

The depressions also act as nutrient stores. The leaves and branches, as well as particles blowing in the wind stay in the depression and increase in thickness as humus.